Bully on Your Back
Sssshhhh! Listen …. Do you hear that? Sounds like jeering. Where is it coming from? Sure feels up close and personal, but you look right, then left – just in case. There it is again. Sneering this time – laughing that “AT YOU” kind of laugh meant to make you feel small and powerless –…
Read MoreLyrical Lingu: The Caliginous Night
The following lines are not my own, however, I have pulled together song lyrics and have juxtaposed them into my own, free-flowing thought process … my own interpretative verse. It is, in its entirety, lyrics borrowed from songs that have moved me deeply in relation to my own pain and internal struggles. Maybe you, too,…
Read MoreWhy I Jumped…
It all began as I was sitting on that Spin bike … this time a participant instead of the instructor … I carry that proverbial weight on my shoulders and realize that my tank of inner angst has reached full capacity. Dark goes the room. Pitch black to match the pitch of blackness I am…
Read MorePerspective Inversa
Worth -Value-Beauty—- Nothing. In you there is nothing but Waste. You ruin Everything good … Nothing about you is Beautiful. You are the embodiment of Mistakes Your Mental, emotional, physical characteristics – Have no lasting impact. Each day you should disregard your Value. Shame and regret Overwhelming you … Embrace the Hopelessness, doubts, fears…
Read MoreBird Set Free
We all have a story to tell. There’s hurt and pain in all our camps and somewhere along the line that pile of ash in our hearts can make or break us. My story probably isn’t much different than yours. Perhaps the actual events are different, but that pile of ash is still swept up…
Read More50 Things I’ve Learned in my Half Century of Life
Half a Century! Well, when you put it that way it seems SOOOOOOO, ummm, O*L*D. Ahhh, but some time ago I refused to use 2 words simultaneously — “OLD” and “AGE”, so let’s re-phrase, shall we? How about this: Half a Century = 50 years YOUNG = Seasoned = Wise = Experienced = Slightly Tired = Occasionally Rickety = Finally Uninterested in what others think about me = Intolerant of Bullsh*t = Fabulously Free to…
Read MoreDiary of a Mad, Menopausal Woman
Just yesterday I was “normal”, whatever that means. But truly, I was. I am sure of it, I think. I mean … it feels like it was just yesterday, right? C’mon foggy brain, you can do this. You can remember. Perhaps “normal” is or was or should be overrated anyway. Does it even matter? YES!…
Read MoreLIEability
Deep In My Own Head… I was deep in my own head the other day. There’s a lot that swirls around in there – a veritable storm most days not unlike a tornado that blows through and violently collects all things in its path, mixes them together and creates havoc. There’s the gamut of right…
Read MoreBypassing -vs- Passing By
Ever wonder how some people seem to have off-the-charts discipline in their lives — while others just can’t seem to pull it together if it killed them? Maybe you are one of the Discipline Kings or Queens out there … leading the way, onward and upward! Or, maybe you sit in a totally different camp. …
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