Group Sessions
Small group training with me is much more than just getting together for an exercise session.
Small group and semi-private programs just naturally flow into relationships and camaraderie -- with your fellow group mates -- and me.
With that... comes external accountability, validation and recognition of your progress and achievements.
Their personal journeys
Julie was super busy: Her journey began amidst a very busy and chaotic time. She is living proof that anyone can accomplish anything without having to... [ more ]
Scot challenged his theories: He had his own ideas on exercise and nutrition and felt this would be a good way to put them to the test. It didn't take long to find out... [ more ]
Lezlee was curious: She wanted to see just how far her body would go in response to an advanced program that offered a precise regimen that produces a ... [ more ]
Group Success
Let's Get Started..!
It will be beneficial if, before we train, you complete a brief "discovery form" that provides some insight about you.
1st Workout!
Prep time! This will become habit. But, for now, just download this checklist. It will totally prepare you for our first workout together.
How many are in our group? Sessions are pre-purchased via my online store or in-person. Let's get started!
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