
[ . . . Kim was roped into doing Fit Photage™ by one of her friends.

And after meeting with me to go over the details of the program, she was IN. And when I say "IN" - I mean "IN!!!"

Kim is a woman who makes up her mind and come hell or high water, she will do what she has set out to do. She is often training for marathons and half marathons occurring at various locations across the country, is constantly on the go either sweating it out by exercising or by chasing her children.

She leads a very busy life and is consistently on the go and she carries her spunky personality and spirit wherever she may roam. And, by roam, I mean wherever she purposely decides life is going to take her! 🙂

Because she is very familiar with the cardio world, Kim thought that Fit Photage™, being primarily a weight lifting program, would be PERFECT for her. She didn't know what her limitations were in a weight lifting scenario, and wanted to find out!

Knowing Kim, I'm sure she wanted to take on this challenge with everything she could muster - tackle it and MASTER it. And ... she did JUST THAT!

She came into her sessions every day with a fire in her eyes to push hard ... all the while wearing that amazing smile. Doing the Destination photo shoot was icing on the cake for her! (Speaking of cakes - Kim is an AMAZING baker. You should see her cake designs. Over the top, much like everything else she sets out to do!)

Wow, Kim! You knocked it outta the park! Well done, my friend!

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