Fitness Training and Coaching
My mission is to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Every day, I strive to “walk-the-walk” and live the life I preach. I've competed in everything from NPC Figure events and Spartan races to triathlons and 14,000 ft mountain climbs.
I've developed proprietary techniques in core conditioning, strength training and functional, athletic-based exercises. My protocol includes strength, agility, power, rotation, balance and speed.
For the past 25 years, I've worked with a diverse clientele -- from post rehabilitation patients to advanced sport-specific athletes. And, all levels of different lifestyles and conditions in between.
I currently offer private, group and online sessions as well as my signature 12-week body-morphing program: Fit Photage™.
If you'd like to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your goals, just click/tap on the button below.

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