[ . . . Ashley understands the direct correlation between resistance training and a revved up metabolism.
Ashley had been part of another exercise regimen where the focus was more on cardiovascular conditioning (mainly calisthenics) and came out of it feeling less "fit" than when she started. She knew she needed to challenge her muscles more with hopes to help wake up her metabolism.
Ashley encouraged a friend to join her and they both registered for the Winter 2019 Fit Photage™ Ignite program - 3 days per week, sharing the same session time and going to the gym together to lift the other days of the week.
Her goal?
To begin the process of waking up her body. Ashley felt like her metabolism was in the tank due to age, hormone imbalances and newfound food sensitivities. She also suffers from fibromyalgia and chronic shoulder/neck pain from an injury - all of which have created limitations to her fitness life which in turn have caused her metabolism to decrease.
Though she feels she needs more time and that Fit Photage™ Ignite was just the beginning - she is nothing less than a WINNER in my book! I say, let's keep going. Onward and Upward!
Trainer: Michele Sodon Photographer: Tony Clapp of Tony Rocco Photography and Tony Clapp Photography (with grip assistants Jonathan Schauer, Scott G. Lee and Sonja Lark) HMUA: Jonathan Nelson of Beauty Studio, Inc. in Las Vegas Videographer: Thomas Bailey of Platinum Productions
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