dave before
dave after

David began the Fit Photage program in June of 2014.  But, after only 3 weeks into the program, his job took him out of state for the remaining 9 weeks. He finished the program "remotely."

He found a gym, filled his refrigerator with the food he needed and went to work to stay on track.

David has always been more of an endurance-type of exerciser …. focusing more on cardio than heavier strength training.

He was surprised the amount of calories he could burn by lifting heavy weights, especially on legs days.

His muscularity began to pop in a way he had not seen before, and he was sold on what the program could do in terms of body change!

We had our weekly "sessions" via FaceTime to answer questions, chart progress and remain focused. His journey became one of internal discipline since he was not local, and he is living proof that it can be done …. no matter where you are!

David hopes to continue his focus on building muscle mass in order to keep his engine running at a higher metabolic rate! Nicely done, David!!

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