Coffee Talk: My Journey – “The Decision”

I’VE HESITATED, hemmed, hawed, backpedaled and have had inner debates with Joe, (my cuppa), as to whether or not to discuss this with you. Joe says, “Go for it, girrrlll — I GOTCHU!”  And though most days I trust Joe with all my inner musings, his hopped-up-on-caffeine, eager beaver mentality has me doubting. Why do…

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The Art of — `K I / N T < S U \ G I , ---

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the King’s horses and All the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again. Ever feel like poor ol’ Humpty — sitting there looking at the broken pieces of yourself scattered on the ground? Ever feel like you are shattered — with a…

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I Use to Fall …

I use to fall …  down FACE-FIRST And I stayed there–feeling sorry for myself, contemplating quitting, wondering if I was fooling myself to think I have what it takes, coming up with every excuse to stay there – face-down -, convincing myself I was in over my head and had no business attempting this doomed-from-the-start…

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